Exorcising the Devils in ERP details

New ERP software fails when it doesn’t meet expectations because buyers made assumptions about it that they later discovered are false. This is the "devils in the details" problem, and this article describes how to get rid of those devils.

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Chris Doig
The 5 costs of poor ERP purchases

Despite all the promises made by internal backers and vendors, ERP software usually costs far more than budgeted and seldom fully meets expectations. This video shows five places where ERP projects go wrong and incur unplanned costs. Learn where these costs occur so you can take steps to minimize or eliminate them.

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Chris Doig
Why software purchasing is so much more than selecting software

When considering an enterprise software purchase, people usually think of selecting the software. While that is an essential part of the process, there is more that must be done both before and after the selection to ensure the software delivers the desired business value.

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